Where problem dogs are no problem
Friday, December 21, 2012
Prong or Positive Reinforcement?
I had a client come for class last night who mentioned that she had taken her dog to daycare and the daycare owner put a prong collar on her dog to train it. First of all, her dog is a Doberman puppy. Prong collars don't belong on puppies. Secondly, I use positive reinforcement with her dog and now someone else is using compulsive training methods. I believe this will be confusing to the dog. I'm not sure why the daycare person took it upon herself to train the dog. I serve three functions here--daycare, boarding and training. When a dog comes to board here and jumps on me, the owner says I shouldn't let them do that and I should know better because I am a trainer. I remind them they have not hired me as a trainer but are simply bringing the dog here to board--training is extra. The same with daycare, the dog is here to be loved and to be socialized with other dogs, I have not been hired to train the dog but to babysit the dog. Yes, I do correct the dog is it has bad manners but that is all. Again, training is extra. I have clients who bring their dogs here to board who go to trainers that have different philosophies than I do and I do not push my training methods on them. Now on the the prong collar issue. If a dog is trained from the time it is brought home as a puppy, the training will be much easier as the correct behavior will be the only thing the dog knows. Unfortunately, most people wait until there is a problem, the biggest being pulling on the leash. I have been very successful teach all types of dogs, from a Peekapoo to a Great Dane, to not pull on the leash, all without a prong collar. Having a dog walk next to you is nothing more than a habit for the dog. It will take time to establish this habit but I promise it can be done. If you want a quick fix, the prong collar will work. It will also work to make your dog fear you and become aggressive. I believe that trainers who resort to prong collars as a first line of defense are trainers who are not creative in learning different methods to train the dogs. I want my dog to walk by my side because she loves me and wants to, not because she might have physical pain if she doesn't stay close enough. Emma is my service dog, she is a Landseer Newfoundland. I got her when she was 6 months old and started training her right away. She started formal classes at 3 months old. Emma was trained on a buckle collar, not even a training collar. She is CGC, TDI and PAT and has 2 legs toward her CD title. So if you want a stable, well balanced dog, please take the time and do the training and don't look for a quick fix.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
This week's outing
Today we went to PetSmart again. Apollo does fine in all other stores. He just has a problem when he sees other dogs. And today it seemed like it was only small dogs--a pug, a dachshund. The golden retriever he didn't back at. So we worked and worked. Stop barking at the dog, sit and watch me and get a treat. Over and over. A couple of times, Apollo actually sat and looked at me instead of barking at the other dog. Hooray, we are making some real good progress. He gives me an automatic sit every time I stop walking in the store and will sometimes automatically drop into a down.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Another outing
It was outing day for Apollo today. He is still having trouble not barking at other dogs in the store but he is getting better. It is a fear bark as I can see the whites of his eyes and his fur is not raised. I thought that being part of a pack would help his socialization as he was not socialized by his previouis owner. People think that if they have another dog, that is socializing the dog. According to Dr. Dunbar, a puppy needs to see 100 dogs and people before they are 4 months old. How many dogs do you think see that many? We went to Super Shoes where there was an adoption clinic. Apollo was finaolly quiet and his reward was to go greet the other dogs. One of their dogs was very aggressive towards Apollo but the other one was fine and they did the normal greeting. Then we went to PetSmart and he did pretty good. Need to work on "watch" more to redirect his attention, although he can look at me and bark at the other dog at the same time. Then I took Emma and Apollo to Joann's. Emma is supposed to be training Apollo and Apollo is better behaved than Emma is. I guess I'm not strict enough or consistent enough with Emma when my attention is directed elsewhere. Every time I stopped, Apollo would lay down and wait. I've been putting a Starmark collar on him but I don't think he needs it anymore. So ever onward.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Courage arrived last evening around 7:30. When I picked him up at the airport, he was a little traumatized and didn't want to come out of his kennel. I took him out, put a leash on him and he was fine, except for the slippery floor at the airport! We got home and he was introduced to the pack. I let him outside and he didn't want to come in. It took Apollo, my husband and some beef to be able to get him in the house and then it involved me carrying him in. He made immediate friends with Apollo and they played hard for an hour and a half until they both fell down from exhaustion. I think Courage has some pent up energy from his long trip. So that I could get some sleep, I set up a crate for Courage and put him in there to sleep. He didn't complain at all. He slept until Apollo woke him up to go out and play at 6:30 this morning. Courage is much happier this morning. He went out and played and came in when the rest of the pack came in. He has bothered Emma some (Courage has not been neutered yet) but she growls and he backs off. He knows to sit to get a cookie. I'll get an idea of what else he knows later when I work with him. He is a very lovable boy and everyone is getting along wonderfully. I am looking forward to working with him and watching him evolve.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Another trip to PetSmart
Apollo went on another outing to PetSmart today. He was more successful than the last time but there was only one other dog in the store. He barks at things, people, birds, when he is in the car. Today we worked on the quiet command. I took hotdogs for treats. My plan was to feed, feed, feed while the other dog was in sight and stop feeding when the other dog disappeared. Apollo's plan was different. His plan was woof once, put his butt on the floor and then wait for a hotdog to appear. He did very good with his plan, however, having the other dog in his sight is still a problem. Guess I have to come up with another plan.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Second Outing
Apollo went for his second outing in public today. First we went to PetSmart. One of the local shelters was having an adoption clinic so I knew there would be dogs there. Apollo sat and waited by the door until I told him to go in. As soon as he got in there, he saw another dog and started barking. I made him sit and be quiet. We gradually made our way over to the dogs that were up for adoption. It took a while, but Apollo was finally able to greet them without barking at them. Hen quickly learned then when he saw another dog, the appropriate behavior was to sit but he still barked a little. We will need to work on this some more but he did get a new toy for being so good. Then we went to Target. I took both Emma and Apollo in Target. Apollo stayed right between me and Emma. Every time I stopped, Apollo sat. I was talking to some of the employees about the dogs and Apollo even laid down. I was hoping Apollo would learn from Emma and Apollo was better behaved today than Emma was! Now we are trying to get a poodle up here from the south to be trained. What a great job I have.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Day 28
Thought I should post about Apollo's progress. Today he is feeling his oats and trying to convince everyone else he is in charge. He barks and snarls and the other dogs just look at him and walk away. He is coming along nicely on his training. He has his basic commands down although he is still a bit reluctant to down, but he is getting better. His stays are good and we are increasing the distance and time on those. He has an object that he has been taught to "take it" and "bring it", however, not without some tooth marks and some shaking it around. He is a very mouthy dog and is having a little trouble with this. He will go around behind me and sit on command, however, he sits facing me instead of away. My arms are nowhere near long enough to get that treat out far enough to get him to turn around. Guess I'll need another human to help me with this. He needs a lot of work on come, as most dogs do. I'll be teaching him a really reliable recall that will teach him to come every time he is called. So all in all, he is doing pretty good. He is really a very smart dog.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Day 18
Well, today has been quite a day for Apollo. Two dogs pooped in the house this morning while I was in the kennel. From the looks, I am going to blame one of them on Apollo. And they had all just come in. I was sitting on the couch and noticed Apollo pulling on the homemade quilt my husband bought me years ago--I looked and he had chewed a hole in it. I was getting dressed and noticed a rip in the crotch of my most comfortable jeans--I have no idea when he did that. When I was getting ready to go outside, I could only find one red clog. I finally found the other one hidden in the bedroom in pieces. Good thing I love him. I just want to know--how do I get the puppy out of him???
Friday, October 19, 2012
Day 17
Apollo was neutered last week and is doing well with no complications. It didn't slow him down at all. He was right back to himself the next day. His training is going well. He knows "sit" and we are working on "stay". He will do "down" for a treat. Today he learned "take it" and "leave it". That went pretty quickly. It's easy to work with a dog who will work for food!! When I looked over the lists of tasks he needs to learn to do, it doesn't seem as overwhelming today. There are 3 lists and some of the behaviors are the same on all 3 lists. Apollo is going to make me a better dog trainer than I was before he came. Every dog has something to teach me and I am grateful for everyone that comes and spends time with me. They have picked out 2 veterans that might be appropriate for Apollo. I have talked to one and she seems very nice. I think Apollo would be a very appropriate service dog for her. I will be calling the other one this afternoon to see what her needs are.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day 6
This morning started with a disagreement over a cookie. My girls like to save their cookies and then get all upset if anyone even looks in their direction! Anything for drama!
Today Apollo and I went for a walk. I knew it was going to be a challenge because whenever I put him on the leash, he pulled. Apollo's head is resting on the back of my hand as I try to type this. I pulled out the Starmark collar and put it on Apollo. He didn't care for that much at all. He got used to it very quickly and walked very nicely on the leash. Then we worked on "down" and he almost has it. He knows to sit if he wants anything. He is going to be a good service dog. He spends a lot of time sitting on my lap and is very alert to noises that seem strange to him.
Dinnertime is always fun when a new dog comes to the house. Of course it takes them time to learn the rules and the other dogs are on high alert lest someone want their bowl. I made the mistake of feeding Emma before Apollo tonight and when I saw Apollo start towards Emma's bowl I reached down to pick up her bowl. She must have seen Apollo too and when I reached for her bowl she bit me. Ah the joys of my job! It's not bad, doesn't need stitches and my tetanus is up to date so we're all good here.
Today Apollo and I went for a walk. I knew it was going to be a challenge because whenever I put him on the leash, he pulled. Apollo's head is resting on the back of my hand as I try to type this. I pulled out the Starmark collar and put it on Apollo. He didn't care for that much at all. He got used to it very quickly and walked very nicely on the leash. Then we worked on "down" and he almost has it. He knows to sit if he wants anything. He is going to be a good service dog. He spends a lot of time sitting on my lap and is very alert to noises that seem strange to him.
Dinnertime is always fun when a new dog comes to the house. Of course it takes them time to learn the rules and the other dogs are on high alert lest someone want their bowl. I made the mistake of feeding Emma before Apollo tonight and when I saw Apollo start towards Emma's bowl I reached down to pick up her bowl. She must have seen Apollo too and when I reached for her bowl she bit me. Ah the joys of my job! It's not bad, doesn't need stitches and my tetanus is up to date so we're all good here.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Day 5
Well, there was a little excitement here tonight. Apollo decided to pick a fight with Emma and he got all of the dogs on him. I don't know why he picks on the females instead of Barney, probably because he knows Barney will kick his butt! We got it all sorted out and Apollo is unhappily cooling off in a crate. I hope this stops when he gets neutered. After I let him out of the crate, he went and found Barney and started licking his face and rolling over on his back. I guess he listened to Barney's 2 hour lecture when he got here!
He has been eating 1 1/2 cups of food twice a day and getting snacks in between. He is learning to sit and wait for his dinner until I tell him OK.
He has been eating 1 1/2 cups of food twice a day and getting snacks in between. He is learning to sit and wait for his dinner until I tell him OK.
Day 4
Lily is here today and she finds Apollo a bit overwhelming. She is more Apollo's size and he won't leave her alone. She is quite disgusted with the whole situation and has crawled up on the couch with me to escape his antics.
Apollo went to the vet today. He weighs 35.6 pounds and the vet thinks he will weigh 50-60 pounds full grown. We practiced out out in public manners today. We need a lot of work. Apollo barked at everyone and everything in the vet's office. He does not know how to walk on a leash. There seems to be a little bit of fear aggression. When I placed my hand on his nose and told him "no bark", he bared his teeth at me. If he was barking and Emma got too close to him he snapped at her. He was fine all through the exam, even having his temperature taken. So, I'm not sure what was going on but will keep on top of it and get him out to get him socialized more. He is going to be neutered and microchipped next Wednesday, 10/10.
Apollo went to the vet today. He weighs 35.6 pounds and the vet thinks he will weigh 50-60 pounds full grown. We practiced out out in public manners today. We need a lot of work. Apollo barked at everyone and everything in the vet's office. He does not know how to walk on a leash. There seems to be a little bit of fear aggression. When I placed my hand on his nose and told him "no bark", he bared his teeth at me. If he was barking and Emma got too close to him he snapped at her. He was fine all through the exam, even having his temperature taken. So, I'm not sure what was going on but will keep on top of it and get him out to get him socialized more. He is going to be neutered and microchipped next Wednesday, 10/10.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Day 3
Apollo and Emma have been wrestling around the house all morning. There was a slight skirmish between Emma and Apollo over one of Emma's toys but it was minor. I heard Apollo barking this afternoon and thought he wanted to go out but I found him in the kitchen barking at his bag of dog food on the counter! We worked on down some more. We are always working on come to get him to come in from the garage. He hasn't caught on to the fact that cookies are passed out every time you come in the house.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Day 2
Apollo only got me up once to go to the bathroom last night, however, my husband said Apollo got in bed 4 times to snuggle with him! Apollo has 2 barks, a whiny bark that says let me in and a deeper bark that he uses when he barks with the pack. We did some training today and all he knows is sit. We will be working on down and come for the rest of the week. He is a loveable little guy and will make a great companion and helper for someone. He hasn't eaten since he got here but he sure gobbled the snacks while we were training--almost ate my fingers, too. He is not sure who will play with him yet but he does know that Wilson is only going to growl and snarl at him. When he is in, he wants out on the porch, when he is out on the porch, he wants in.
We had a mild breakthrough today. I had to go out to the kennel and Ray was out in the barn so just the dogs were in the house. When I came back to the house, all was quiet. Apollo was not scratching at the door and screaming like being alone was the worst kind of torture. When I opened the door, he wasn't even by the door!! Progress!!
We had a mild breakthrough today. I had to go out to the kennel and Ray was out in the barn so just the dogs were in the house. When I came back to the house, all was quiet. Apollo was not scratching at the door and screaming like being alone was the worst kind of torture. When I opened the door, he wasn't even by the door!! Progress!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Apollo has arrived
This is Apollo. Apollo was a free dog on craigslist in Kinderhook, NY. My friend Heather from SFLS made me aware of him. I talked with the owner and made arrangements to go meet him and see if he was appropriate for the Shepherds for Lost Sheep program. Of course I took him. He is about 7 months old and is a GSD mix. The only problem he has is that he absolutely hates to be alone. He got to meet Maggie and Tim and Danny before I brought him home and they approved of him. We got home and he had to meet the whole pack here plus my daycare dog was here. Barney proceeded to give Apollo the instructions of the house, I'm sure included in those instructions was the fact that Barney is the Big Dog!!. Dinnertime came and it was time to start learning sit and wait for his dinner. He didn't eat all his food and it disappeared. He really wasn't too concerned. He is still settling in. I can hardly wait to see what tonight brings!! I'm not counting on a lot of sleep.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Service dogs
I am so bad at blogging and journaling. I think I will remember things and then I remember nothing. So let me catch you up. At the end of August I went camping with Shepards for Lost Sheep. This is a family that obtains and trains dogs for veterans. I wanted to learn more about training service dogs and they were gracious enough to include me in their family. I didn't know how bad it sounded until I said it out loud--"I went camping with a bunch of people I met on Facebook." Haha. Luckily they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They had with them a dog that has been a service dog for 3 years and a dog that has been a service dog for about 3 months, a dog that was just beginning her training and a dog that was to meet her vet for the first time and finish up her training. I took Emma with me hoping they could show me what I needed to do to meet the requirements for her becoming a service dog. Tim said she was very well trained and went through her Public Access Test and she qualified to become a service dog. She is now my registered service dog. Emma learned a lot about being a service dog from the dogs she went camping with. She was off leash for 2 days in the woods and never left me. She laid at my feet whenever I sat down. Now that we are at home, she makes sure she is where she can see me. I need Emma with me because I have back problems that cause my legs to give out and she prevents me from falling and helps me on stairs which are scary for me. I am getting grief from some factions of the public about having my service dog with me at all times, they don't understand. Some are willing to be educated and some are very closed minded and unwilling to learn about how my dog and I are a team. Right now, there are certain places that will not allow my dog access. If my dog can't go there, neither can I.
Yesterday I had a young lady call me to ask if I knew anything about training service dogs. Now I know why I went camping when I did. This young lady needs a psychiatric service dog to help her function normally in life. What a blessing it is to be able to help her and her dog. I contacted SFLS to see if they had any tips on helping with the psyche end of it and they emailed me 3 pages of information that is very helpful. I am looking forward to working with this young lady and her dog. She has a young family and will be able to do things with her family that she would not be able to do without a service dog.
This is a picture of Jason meeting Harley for the first time. Jason had a service dog that died and Harley is going to be helping him out with things that he can no longer do for himself. Thank you for your service Jason.
Yesterday I had a young lady call me to ask if I knew anything about training service dogs. Now I know why I went camping when I did. This young lady needs a psychiatric service dog to help her function normally in life. What a blessing it is to be able to help her and her dog. I contacted SFLS to see if they had any tips on helping with the psyche end of it and they emailed me 3 pages of information that is very helpful. I am looking forward to working with this young lady and her dog. She has a young family and will be able to do things with her family that she would not be able to do without a service dog.
This is a picture of Jason meeting Harley for the first time. Jason had a service dog that died and Harley is going to be helping him out with things that he can no longer do for himself. Thank you for your service Jason.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I love rescue and am very involved in it. I have many friends who are involved in rescue. Then problem with rescuing puppies at a very young age is that they are taken away from their Mom too soon. There is a reason breeders keep puppies for 8-12 weeks before they adopt them out. There are certain things that the adult dogs teach the puppies and it is something different every week. I took Emma at 6 weeks because I was impatient. Now I cannot get her to go down stairs. Well, Mom teaches them how to not be afraid in the 7th week. So this is a person mistake and not a problem dog. I have to deal with it. So when you get a dog that was taken away from Mom too soon, it is very important to get that dog socialized with as many other dogs as possible so the dog can learn how to be a dog and how to not be afraid. This takes a lot of work and a lot of patience. So if you adopt one of these type of puppies, please be aware and don't give up. You can always call me.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Spoiled dogs
Do you consider your dogs spoiled? I do. My dogs have the best of everything. They have good food. They are allowed on the furniture if they want to be there. They get lots of hugs and praise and treats as rewards for good behavior. They sleep in the warmth in the winter and the cool in the summer. Lots of cool water. They usually get what they ask for--like asking for a Kong to be filled. At night they sleep where they want, inside or outside, in a crate or not. They get scraps of people food when we are done eating. However, my dogs have rules and they know who is in charge here, and it's not them. I just fostered a very spoiled Pyr. He was rather big at 140 pounds and stood almost as tall as my waist. His owner just loved him to death. He wore a bib when he ate. He went to the groomer every day. He had been to formal obedience classes. His owners split up and lost their house and his Dad had to go live with his parents. He couldn't take the dog because the dog has resource guarding issues. He was not to be trusted around little people and food. He was adopted by a couple who had him for 3 weeks and then sent him back to rescue. Why? It seemed that the dog claimed the ball was his and bit the man to get it. Here is where he ended up. I decided to work with this dog. I tried hand feeding him--that wasn't happening or I would not have a hand. For four days, I held his bowl while he ate. On the fifth day he bit me. He had a fit if he was in his kennel with the gate closed and I would pour water into his bowl next to his food bowl. The funny thing was he would take a cookie from your hand with no problem. It was decided last week to send this dog back to TN, where he had come from. This morning I was transporting him to Catskill for the first leg of his trip. I could not put him in the backseat because I had my grandkids back there. He was riding with his paws and head on my right leg. When it came time so shift, I reached for the shifter and he attacked me. He must have decided the shifter was his. When I reached for my coffee cup, he grabbed my other hand. I was being attacked while I was driving with 2 little kids in the backseat. I managed to get control of the situation, drop the kids off and put the dog in the backseat. From there he was no problem. This was also not a warning bite, it was a bite and hold type bite.
So the question is how spoiled do you want your dogs? Do you let them know who is in charge? There is more to dog training than obedience classes. This dog should have been corrected the first time he tried resource guarding, but he was probably a cute little puppy and he would grow out of it--right? This guy claimed to love his dog beyond compare and yet he created a dog that will most likely have to be put down at the age of 2. Do you love your dog enough to make him a responsible citizen? This speaks to the matter of BSL. Pyrs are on the list. I have been working with Pyrs for a great number of years. This situation is not a matter of what breed the dog is but how he was raised. So do you and your dog a favor and practice leadership skills that let your dog know who is in charge--and it hadn't better be him!
So the question is how spoiled do you want your dogs? Do you let them know who is in charge? There is more to dog training than obedience classes. This dog should have been corrected the first time he tried resource guarding, but he was probably a cute little puppy and he would grow out of it--right? This guy claimed to love his dog beyond compare and yet he created a dog that will most likely have to be put down at the age of 2. Do you love your dog enough to make him a responsible citizen? This speaks to the matter of BSL. Pyrs are on the list. I have been working with Pyrs for a great number of years. This situation is not a matter of what breed the dog is but how he was raised. So do you and your dog a favor and practice leadership skills that let your dog know who is in charge--and it hadn't better be him!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Hide and Seek
How many of you play hide and seek with your dog? It is a great game to firm up their recall. The kids can play it with the dog. Hide somewhere in the house and then call your dog. When he gets to you praise him and let him know he is the smartest dog in the world. This makes the recall fun for both of you instead of frustrating when you are "formally" training and the dog ignores you. If training isn't fun for you and your dog, you're not doing it right.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Positive Punishment
I just got around to reading some old emails and this stuck a chord in me. I am guilty of telling my dog no or uh uh. Guess I have some work to do. For those of you who don't know who Susan Garrett is, she is an agility trainer which means she doesn't have a leash attached to her dog to give corrections when the dog does something wrong. Leslie Nelson said if you want to see what kind of trainer you are, take the leash off. I definitely have work to do.
Positive Punishment:
If you are still using positive punishment (physical or verbal corrections) in your dog training please know they are not only unnecessary but they are taking you a step away from where you really want to be; one of harmonious teamwork with your dog. Because I do believe our dogs are a reflection of our abilities as a dog trainer, when I see someone trying to teach something like a sit stay and they come out with "errrrrr" or "noooooo!!" or "aaah aaah" when their dog moves I immediately think, two things.
My first thought is, wow, that dog is being blamed because his owner did not do a good enough job teaching him sit means "don't move . . . no matter what."
My second thought is that you are drawing attention to yourself, just as if you were clearing your throat to make a big announcement to a crowded room . . .
"Aaaah aaaah, excuse me everyone, if you can hear me I would like to draw your attention to the absolute crap job I did of training my my dog's sit stay, you will notice he did move toward the distraction . . . thank you, thank you for this acknowledgment."
I know sometimes it is frustrating because we believe the dog "should know better" but the solution to your frustration does not lie in physical pain or intimidation. The answer lies in a better manipulation of the reinforcement your dog is seeking.~~Susan Garrett
Positive Punishment:
If you are still using positive punishment (physical or verbal corrections) in your dog training please know they are not only unnecessary but they are taking you a step away from where you really want to be; one of harmonious teamwork with your dog. Because I do believe our dogs are a reflection of our abilities as a dog trainer, when I see someone trying to teach something like a sit stay and they come out with "errrrrr" or "noooooo!!" or "aaah aaah" when their dog moves I immediately think, two things.
My first thought is, wow, that dog is being blamed because his owner did not do a good enough job teaching him sit means "don't move . . . no matter what."
My second thought is that you are drawing attention to yourself, just as if you were clearing your throat to make a big announcement to a crowded room . . .
"Aaaah aaaah, excuse me everyone, if you can hear me I would like to draw your attention to the absolute crap job I did of training my my dog's sit stay, you will notice he did move toward the distraction . . . thank you, thank you for this acknowledgment."
I know sometimes it is frustrating because we believe the dog "should know better" but the solution to your frustration does not lie in physical pain or intimidation. The answer lies in a better manipulation of the reinforcement your dog is seeking.~~Susan Garrett
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Psychiatric service dogs
I have always wanted to train dogs for a higher purpose, like guide dogs for the blind. It has come to my attention recently that there are service dogs for people with mental disabilities. I know there are service dogs that can detect oncoming seizures and problems with blood sugar, but psychiatric disabilities? I needed to look into this. I have been researching for several days now and this is what I have found out. Anyone who has a psychiatric disability can have a psychiatric service dog (PSD). That includes me. These dogs are granted all the same privileges that any service dog is granted. These dogs are trained in a team with their owner. So I have taken it upon myself to begin training Emma to a higher standard. She has already passed her Canine Good Citizen test (CGC) which is suggested. The is a therapy dog already. I am prepared to help anyone who with a mental disability who wants to train their dog to become a service dog. Each dog would be obedience trained, have to take the CGC test, pass a public access test and be trained to each owner specifically. I am currently looking into what privileges are granted to service dogs in training so as not to run into any problems taking Emma somewhere I should not be taking her.
Friday, May 18, 2012
What kind of boss are you?
Let's think back for a moment on the types of supervisors you have had in your working career. I have had ones that were very kind and I have had ones that I would rather forget. Think about which kind of boss motivated you to do your best. I know that the supervisors who criticized me and my work did not make me want to work for them. The ones who complimented me on what a good job I did were the ones I for whom I wanted to do my best. When I completed a particularly difficult task, a bonus was always greatly appreciated. Now let's look at this in the light of dog training. Does you dog only get told when he is doing something wrong, i.e. a jerk on the collar if he is not walking next to you, or does he get treated when he is walking next to you. When you ask your dog for a particularly hard thing for him to do, i.e., to sit or lay down for an extended period of time, do you make it a party for him that he completed the task? Since I have started positive reinforcement training, I have a dog that I can go in the obedience ring and win ribbons because she wants to work for me. Take a look at your training methods. Are they working for you?
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Setting up for success
When you are training your dog, always set your dog up for success. Don't allow the dog to do a wrong behavior and then correct the dog for it. For instance, if you want your dog to walk beside you, that is where you want your dog to be. Don't allow the dog to go out in front of you and then correct it for being in the wrong position. There are several ways to train this behavior and set your dog up to succeed at doing the correct behavior. Walking beside you will become a habit for your dog. These methods keep the dog from being stressed and keep the owner from being frustrated. I have found it works on all types of dogs from a Pekipoo to a Great Dane.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Are you tired of your dog looking at you and then going in the other direction when you call him? Do you repeat yourself numerous times and he still ignores you? Learn how to get your dog to come every time you call with our Really Reliable Recall session. It takes a bit of work on your part but the results are amazing. Your dog will leave whatever is distracting him and come right to you. Call me today to schedule your session, your place or mine, at your convenience.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Leo arrived last Thursday. I was surprised when Leo got out of the car I was meeting and was very surprised to see that he wasn't white! Leo looks like a shepard! Leo is here because he bit somebody 2 weeks ago and it was suggested he be put down but the owner was given the option of surrendering him to a rescue to work with a behaviorist. Leo so scared it is pathetic. I'm sure it was a fear bite and not an aggressive bite. I am working with him to establish a relationship and he is slowly blossoming. This morning he actually touched me of his own free will. Tonight he licked the bowl of hamburg I had on my lap. He is such a bundle of contradiction. He wants so badly to come near me but is too afraid and will stand away from me and bark at me. Her has made tremendous progress in the week that he has been here. Someone suggested that I keep a journal for the rescue dogs while they are here and I am going to do that. Think I'll write them from the dog's perspective!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Crate training
Yesterday I got to do one of my favorite things. I had a crate training session with the cutest boxer. Coco would go in her crate but when her Mom go home, she was drowning in drool and licking the latches on the crate. Left out of the crate, she would destroy the house. So I was called in to help Coco. In 20 minutes, Coco was able to sit in her crate without licking the latches. After about 40 minutes, her Mom could walk away from the crate and Coco would remain calm. I love crate training. Crates are not punishment for the dog. Crates keep the dog and your possessions safe. So if you want to keep your dog safe and have him love his crate, give me a call.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Trial #2
Yesterday a friend and I went down to Milton, near New Paltz, for an obedience trial. We got there at 11:30 thinking the dogs would go in the ring around 12 noon. It ended up that the dogs didn't go in the ring until 3:00 by which time Emma needed some Red Bull. I could not get her ramped up for anything. There were very few dogs in our class so Emma ended up taking second place. Unfortunately, my friend's dog didn't like the judge and so didn't qualify. All in all, it was a good day seeing all kinds of dogs and visiting with friends.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I've already received my reservation form for Petapalooza at Curtis Lumber. It is going to be held on June 16 this year. Last year was a blast but I was unprepared. This year I am prepared and will be going to Ballston Spa instead of Perth. Have to get some dynhamite displays ready!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Business building
I can now accept payment by paypal to make things easier for my clients. My mind gets boggled when I read all that I need to do for my business. When I tell my clients "There is more to dog training than sit and down", I am beginning to realize there is more to running my business than teaching dogs to sit and down. I am willing to do the work because this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
On the other side of my business, 4 dogs got adopted in the past 2 weeks and I have 2 new babies in my kennel. Tuli is a 2 year old female that was surrendered because she bit a few people--she was doing her job as a guard dog. Unfortunately, people think that if they have had a dog before, they understand all dogs. Each breed was bred for a specific purpose and you have to do some research into the breed you are getting. There are numerous websites for each breed that detail the characteristics of that breed, including full-grown size!! I also have Duke, an 11 month old boy, I don't know his story. He is a sweetheart and just wants to play. He is rather skinny so I suspect he was picked up as a stray.
Emma is going to a trial on March 10, so I have been working with her to get her back in training and ring mode. It's not a good idea to let her go for a month with no training at all!!
On the other side of my business, 4 dogs got adopted in the past 2 weeks and I have 2 new babies in my kennel. Tuli is a 2 year old female that was surrendered because she bit a few people--she was doing her job as a guard dog. Unfortunately, people think that if they have had a dog before, they understand all dogs. Each breed was bred for a specific purpose and you have to do some research into the breed you are getting. There are numerous websites for each breed that detail the characteristics of that breed, including full-grown size!! I also have Duke, an 11 month old boy, I don't know his story. He is a sweetheart and just wants to play. He is rather skinny so I suspect he was picked up as a stray.
Emma is going to a trial on March 10, so I have been working with her to get her back in training and ring mode. It's not a good idea to let her go for a month with no training at all!!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Herbies Heros
We had a great time at the fundraiser yesterday. Lucy and Emma made lots of new friends. It was great to see such a wonderful turn out to help with the medical bills for some very cute boys. It was so rewarding to see some of the dogs that had been rescued from Kelly's Haven that have been truly rescued and rehabed. Kudos to the new owners. The dogs looked and acted like such well adjusted puppies. Nimee was just the cutest thing ever. What a great therapy dog she would make. I even won a raffle and can't wait to get my basket to see what is in it. The baked goods were yummy. Renee, Elsa and Jen did such a magnificent job at arranging and managing this fundraiser. Congratulations on a job very well done.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Fast fixes
Hello, Happy Thursday. My business is picking up and I have been very busy with all aspects--training, boarding and grooming. We had our taxes done yesterday and my business showed a profit in the first year. Thanks to all of you who trust me with your precious dogs. I've just received my first "rejection". I worked with a 10 week old lab on Tuesday where the main problem was puppy biting. I suggested things such as giving the puppy something that is acceptable to chew on, more exercise, giving him something else to do such as "touch", or giving him a stuffed Kong to occupy him and tire him out. The owner called me today, 48 hours later, and canceled her appt for next week because she said the main issue was the biting and I didn't address that. I asked her if the things I suggested were working and she said "Not enough". Hmmmmmm, they have had him for 3 weeks and he has been biting the whole time and they tried for 2 days to correct this behavior. Of course, I feel like I didn't do enough. I hope that she finds a trainer who can help her more than I did. I will do some research to see if I can find any more ideas to give the next person.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Stay tuned
This afternoon, I am being trained on how to work my website. This is exciting for me, I feel like a real business person now. People will be able to find me easily and will be able to find out all about me before they call me, so I better make sure I make a great first impression. If anyone I have worked with would like to send me a testimonial via my comment section or via FB, I would greatly appreciate it. I am already make plans for some new services to offer. After a year, I am still looking for my niche and think I may have found it. I am already the only trainer that offers classes on how to be a good family dog. Stay tuned for the new plans.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
This is Lucy. She is a 5 year old border collie mix. She was given to me by her Mom who, because of life situations, can no longer take care of her. Lucy is spayed and up to date on her shots. She gets along with cats and other dogs. She does not do so well with little kids. She prefers women to men but will tolerate men. She loves to play and will keep you busy throwing her ball or other toys. She is a very devoted dog and is looking for a home where she will be loved and where she can give you all the love she has.
My website is up and live. Please check it out. It is still a work in progress but please let me know what you think.http://amsterdamdogtraining.com/
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Petsmart visit with Chance
Chance and I went to our local Petsmart yesterday and met lots of wonderful people. Chance was the perfect gentleman and greeted everyone with a smile. Hopefully someone he met has fallen in love with him and will offer him his forever home. If I had room for him here, I would keep him but hopefully Jake is coming back to me and this is Jake's forever home. If you want more information on Chance, click on the Northeast Pyrenees link over at the right of this page.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Winter Exercise
Now that the cold weather is upon us, we may need to make some adjustments in our dog's exercise routine. There really is more to exercise than leash walking, actually leash walking is not really exercise for the dog. A dog needs mental exercise as well as physical exercise. This is the perfect time to ramp up games to exercise your dog's mind. A simple game of hide and seek is a great inside game, you hide, the dog has to find you. Be creative. There are some outside things that we can do in the cold weather. Biking, skijoring, carting, sledding, tug, fetch, running, or backpacking are just a few activities you can enjoy with your dog, depending on his health and your climate. Always check with your vet before introducing a new exercise regimen.
Monday, January 2, 2012
10 reasons to adopt a shelter dog
A visit to your local animal shelter or Dogster’s adoption center (powered by Petfinder.com) will get you started on the road to K9 redemption. Need incentive? Here are 10 compelling reasons to adopt a shelter dog. What are you waiting for?
1. As the environmentally conscious recycling movement has proven, it’s easy (and fun!) being green, and dog adoption is the noblest form of recycling. One person’s trash (boo!) is another’s treasured pet.
2. Every year, millions of healthy, sweet, soulful dogs are killed at animal shelters across this country just for lack of cage space; as with people, bad luck can cause good dogs to become homeless through no fault of their own. By adopting a shelter dog, you’re doing your part to help end the nationwide crisis of homelessness.
3. With so many charismatic celebrities walking around with adopted dogs by their side — Lenny Kravitz among them — it’s clear that adoption isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the cool thing to do. To your adopted dog, you’re the resident rock star!
4. You know all those people who are so proud of their honor-student kids? Well, adopted dogs are super-smart, the Mensas of muttdom. So skip the bumper sticker — flaunt stray pride with a cool collar or T-shirt. Even your coffee can proclaim pride for pound pups!
5. Don’t you want somebody to love? Somebody who will actually love you back? For anyone who’s ever suffered the pangs of unrequited affection — and who hasn’t? — rest assured that an adopted dog will return those tender feelings tenfold. No more lonely nights!
6. If you’ve had it up to here with criticism from your nearest and dearest, get used to unconditional K9 adoration. Years of psychotherapy can’t hold a candle to an adopted dog’s uncomplaining, adoring presence. “Dinner’s late? Again? I adore you!”
7. Got performance anxiety about trying out a new hobby or activity? With an adopted dog as your nonjudgmental audience or workout partner, there’s nothing to fear: From exercise routines to gourmet cooking to knitting, your efforts will get an A+ even if they deserve a D!
8. Adopting a dog proves you’re a person of great inner depth who values substance (a mystery dog of unknown parentage) over style (a predictable pedigreed purebred).
9. But hey, if you’re a style hound, there’s no more stylin’ statement than a shelter dog — s/he coordinates beautifully with any outfit or style of decor!
10. Are you a political animal? Then reaffirm your faith in the democratic process with an adopted dog. After all, shelter mutts are the people’s dog: E Pluribus Unum, one dog out of many. Uncle Sam wants YOU to adopt today!
About the Author: The author of six books, Julia Szabo writes Dogster’s Living With Dogs column and is a pet expert for Howcast.com.
1. As the environmentally conscious recycling movement has proven, it’s easy (and fun!) being green, and dog adoption is the noblest form of recycling. One person’s trash (boo!) is another’s treasured pet.
2. Every year, millions of healthy, sweet, soulful dogs are killed at animal shelters across this country just for lack of cage space; as with people, bad luck can cause good dogs to become homeless through no fault of their own. By adopting a shelter dog, you’re doing your part to help end the nationwide crisis of homelessness.
3. With so many charismatic celebrities walking around with adopted dogs by their side — Lenny Kravitz among them — it’s clear that adoption isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the cool thing to do. To your adopted dog, you’re the resident rock star!
4. You know all those people who are so proud of their honor-student kids? Well, adopted dogs are super-smart, the Mensas of muttdom. So skip the bumper sticker — flaunt stray pride with a cool collar or T-shirt. Even your coffee can proclaim pride for pound pups!
5. Don’t you want somebody to love? Somebody who will actually love you back? For anyone who’s ever suffered the pangs of unrequited affection — and who hasn’t? — rest assured that an adopted dog will return those tender feelings tenfold. No more lonely nights!
6. If you’ve had it up to here with criticism from your nearest and dearest, get used to unconditional K9 adoration. Years of psychotherapy can’t hold a candle to an adopted dog’s uncomplaining, adoring presence. “Dinner’s late? Again? I adore you!”
8. Adopting a dog proves you’re a person of great inner depth who values substance (a mystery dog of unknown parentage) over style (a predictable pedigreed purebred).
9. But hey, if you’re a style hound, there’s no more stylin’ statement than a shelter dog — s/he coordinates beautifully with any outfit or style of decor!
10. Are you a political animal? Then reaffirm your faith in the democratic process with an adopted dog. After all, shelter mutts are the people’s dog: E Pluribus Unum, one dog out of many. Uncle Sam wants YOU to adopt today!
About the Author: The author of six books, Julia Szabo writes Dogster’s Living With Dogs column and is a pet expert for Howcast.com.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year
To all my clients:
Thank you for making our first year in business successful. Having been in business for a year and it being a new year, I am reviewing my policies and making some changes.
The first change is that boarding will be charged by the day instead of by the night. Boarding will now be $20 a day. If a dog is checked in after 6 PM or picked up before 9 AM, they will not be charged for that day.
I will also be collecting sales tax this year. I am charged sales tax on my services and, unfortunately, I need to pass this along to my clients.
I will be teaching a new type of class this year. This class is called Family Dog class and will be taught in 3 levels. In this class, we will teach your dog how to be a good family member. It will consist more of what your dog needs to know for everyday life, not so much what is needed in an obedience ring. We will teach you how to train your dog in everyday situations. We may even learn some tricks to impress your friends with!
Barney will be helping me teach this year by helping teach dogs how to be stable dogs. Barney has helped me do this with several dogs this year and has been very successful. The rescues that come in don’t always know how to get along with other dogs and Barney is very good at showing them how to do this.
My website will soon be up and running so be looking for that, amsterdamdogtraining.com. I am very excited about this aspect of my business. It will include class schedules, types of classes, prices of classes and a place for testimonials. So if you would like to have a testimonial included on my page, please email me at amsterdamdogtraining.com.
I am looking forward to working with all of you and your dogs this year.
Thank you for making our first year in business successful. Having been in business for a year and it being a new year, I am reviewing my policies and making some changes.
The first change is that boarding will be charged by the day instead of by the night. Boarding will now be $20 a day. If a dog is checked in after 6 PM or picked up before 9 AM, they will not be charged for that day.
I will also be collecting sales tax this year. I am charged sales tax on my services and, unfortunately, I need to pass this along to my clients.
I will be teaching a new type of class this year. This class is called Family Dog class and will be taught in 3 levels. In this class, we will teach your dog how to be a good family member. It will consist more of what your dog needs to know for everyday life, not so much what is needed in an obedience ring. We will teach you how to train your dog in everyday situations. We may even learn some tricks to impress your friends with!
Barney will be helping me teach this year by helping teach dogs how to be stable dogs. Barney has helped me do this with several dogs this year and has been very successful. The rescues that come in don’t always know how to get along with other dogs and Barney is very good at showing them how to do this.
My website will soon be up and running so be looking for that, amsterdamdogtraining.com. I am very excited about this aspect of my business. It will include class schedules, types of classes, prices of classes and a place for testimonials. So if you would like to have a testimonial included on my page, please email me at amsterdamdogtraining.com.
I am looking forward to working with all of you and your dogs this year.
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